Meet the users

As an installer I daily get complaints from customers on limescale issues which results in bad working equipment and clogged showers. A few months ago I started testing several systems myself and and NoCalc® by far showed the best performance. After that I have started installing NoCalc® with my clients and all with very positive and good results. Installing is very easy and within an hour as no electricity is needed. This way NoCalc® is not only very efficent, but also a very economic water treatment system for all of my clients.

Hygiëne in my dentist practice is of the utmost importance. This also is the case for my expensive equipment. I have chosen NoCalc® as it filters all the water in my practice. Also my expensive and advanced equipment which involve delicate elektronic driven water valves are perfectly protected against limescale. And because one buys more and more expensive equipment at home too, like espresso machines, washing machines, dishwashers etc. I have installed NoCalc® at home too.

"My youngest son, Gabriel (aged four), has suffered from eczema since birth, and we have tried as far as possible to take a natural approach to managing it. We visited a naturopath who advised us to avoid chlorinated water, and suggested that we fit a NoCalc® filter to our home water system to improve Gabriel's skin. At that point, Gabriel had begun resisting baths, finding them torturous as they made his skin itch intolerably. We installed the system last year, and immediately found that Gabriel could bathe in comfort, actually learning to enjoy baths and showers as the water no longer irritated his eczema. It has meant so much to us for him to be able to bathe in comfort without scabs and itchy sores. London water is very hard, so apart from extending the life of our appliances, the NoCalc® system has made a huge difference to the health of my family, and I am delighted to recommend it."

Our idea is that company cars always need to look like they have just been cleaned. As a standard service for all our customers we wash their car before we hand tjhem back to them. With NoCalc® the cars dry without leaving marks or stripes.

Recently we have installed a complete new bathroom. Of course we want to enjoy it for a long time. Our bathroom specialist advised NoCalc® to keep out bathroom free from limescale. The purchase cost was only minimal and our installer mentioned that all the equipment in our house is protected also and that we save energy as well. Our bathroom stays perfectly clean. For us this obviously is a win-win situation. Thank you NoCalc®!

HS Techniek are specialist in interiior, new build properties, en renovation projects. Wij supply and install aal our kitchens, bathrooms, aircondiction units, heating systems ourselves and provide our customers with a complete package, including maintenance. Customer satisfaction and is our strength. Our experience with NoCalc® we use in all of our projects. It saves money in maintenance for our clients and helps us providing the best possible guarantee and service.

As importer/distributor of espresso machines for the domestic, business and horeca business I know know from experience what damage limescale does to coffee equipment. impurities cause blocking and limescale shortens the lifetime and the functioning of expensive coffee machines. Of course maintenance also plays a part in this.. Unfortunately many coffee machines are not being equipped with water treatment systems, causing problems and shorten life of the equipment. IFrom my own experience I see NoCalc® as THE system to prevent the build up of limescale. It is very effective and very affordable! The small investment pays for itself very quickly. No only due to the extended lifetime of the coffee machines, but also you save money as you do not need all the other expensive limescale protectors. NoCalc prevents and I always say: better safe than sorry!